Unique Japanese Fashion Scene

Ganguro (Yamanba and manba)
Ganguro fashion started showing up in Japan in the early 1990s popular among young women. Ganguro is Japanese meaning black face. Makeup used to obtain this look is black ink as eye-liner, white concealer as lipstick and eyeshadow, false eyelashes, and pearl powder, plastic facial gems. The key to capturing this look is bleached or multicolored hair, and deeply tanned skin. A bit of California influence?

Lolita clothing style is Based on Victorian clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period also referred to as the Late Baroque period. You may see lightly colored clothing mimicking the look of porcelain dolls, but this may also take on a darker more Gothic look as well.

Decora (Dekora or Decorer)
Think brightly colored, childlike, kawaii (cute) hair accessories, jewelry, and lots of layers.